Car Accident Information & Car Accident Lawyers In Minnesota
Driving along the scenic highways of Minnesota can result in a traffic accident, just as in any other state. With a Minnesota car accident, there are a number of traffic laws used to determine which driver is at fault in the accident. This is why you should consult with a lawyer, even if you feel you are not at fault for the Minnesota car accident. Sometimes it is difficult to determine who is actually at fault in a Minnesota car accident and this is where a lawyer can be really helpful.
In order to be able to prove that the other driver was at fault for the Minnesota car accident, you need to have evidence of the accident. You should also consult with a lawyer because even if you are not at fault for the Minnesota car accident the other driver can still bring a suit against you to shoulder part of the blame.
Experienced auto attorneys are skilled in determining fault in a Minnesota car accident. In order to bring suit against a driver in a Minnesota car accident there has to be a certain threshold of injuries sustained. These thresholds include:
- A permanent injury
- Incurring more than $4,000 in medical expenses as a result of the Minnesota car accident
- A disability that lasts more than two months
- A permanent disfigurement or scarring
- Death
In order to determine whether you have just cause to bring a suit against the other driver in your Minnesota car accident an auto accident attorney will be able to take an objective look at your case and determine whether or not you have a legitimate claim.
Which driver is at fault in a Minnesota car accident is usually not an issue when it comes to paying for the medical bills of an injured person or paying to have the vehicle repaired. Under No-Fault insurance, each driver’s insurance covers this cost. It is when the costs and the injuries are higher than usual that you will need to consult with a lawyer about the Minnesota car accident and get advice as to how you should proceed.
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