Whether or not it is your first offense of this nature, being arrested for a DUI/DWI in South Carolina can carry serious penalties and have real repercussions on your life. The penalties for a DUI/DWI conviction in South Carolina can vary from loss of license and hefty fines to incarceration. The outcome depends on a number of factors, including your blood alcohol levels and whether you have offended in this way before.
You can help yourself in the event that you are arrested on DUI/DWI charges in South Carolina, and this is through enlisting the help of an experienced South Carolina DUI/DWI lawyer. Many people are not aware of the fact that a South Carolina DUI/DWI lawyer can alter the outcome of a DUI/DWI case in South Carolina, and therefore many of those arrested don’t even think about hiring a South Carolina DUI/DWI lawyer to assist them. However, this action can make a big difference and could result in a far more favorable outcome for you.
There are a number of actions that a South Carolina DUI/DWI lawyer could take in order to improve your chances of dropped charges or a reduced sentence. There is no guarantee that a South Carolina DUI/DWI lawyer can get the charges against your dropped altogether, as this will largely depend upon the circumstances surrounding the case and the evidence against you. However, he or she will aim to get you a dramatically reduced sentence or penalty at the very least.
You should contact a South Carolina DUI/DWI lawyer as soon as possible following your arrest, as this will give you both time to prepare a solid defense. You should also opt for a South Carolina DUI/DWI lawyer with experience in this field as this can also improve your chances of a successful outcome.
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