When you are involved in a truck accident in Kansas, in order to submit a claim for personal injury, you must be able to prove that the driver of the truck was negligent in some way. A Kansas truck accident lawyer has the expertise you need for handling such cases because these people deal with truck accident cases on a daily basis. Even if you were partly to blame for the accident, the laws of Kansas allow you to collect a portion of your expenses. The amount of money you receive in a settlement will reflect the percentage of the accident you are responsible for.
Being injured in a truck accident often means that the injuries are quite severe. Any Kansas truck accident lawyer will tell you that in order to reduce the amount of time you have to wait for a settlement, there are certain things you can do. Write down everything you can remember about the accident, including the names and phone numbers of witnesses, whether there was a police officer on the scene and the name and insurance company of the truck driver. This helps the lawyer you choose to process the claim easier.
You should always consult with a Kansas truck accident lawyer before you speak to the other driver’s insurance company. Be careful not to sign anything or say anything that the insurance company might perceive as an admission of fault on your part. If the insurance company does contact you, let the representative know you are filing a claim and that he/she should speak to your lawyer.
A Kansas truck accident lawyer will help you recover any wages you lose for the time you are off work, repairs to your vehicle, compensation for your injuries and compensation due to the fact it may be a while before you can resume your normal daily activities. The time limit for filing a claim for injury in a truck accident in Kansas is two years. Most people file a claim right away and then they can wait until they are fully recovered or receive a prognosis or permanent disability before they are ready to receive a settlement. Once you file a claim, there is no time limit for a settlement.
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