With so many tractor trailers on the highways of New Jersey, there are more and more accidents resulting in severe injuries to innocent victims. If you are one of these victims, a New Jersey truck accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve to pay your expenses and help compensate you for your pain and suffering. The lawyer will investigate the accident and determine whether the accident was the result of one of the common causes of truck accidents, which include:
When you contact a New Jersey truck accident lawyer, you can be assured that you will not have to pay out any money in legal fees until he/she negotiates a satisfactory settlement for you. The first consultation is free because at this time the lawyer takes the information regarding the circumstances of the accident and the names of any witnesses that may have been present. All lawyers will advise you to take the names and telephone numbers of any witnesses so that you have evidence to corroborate your statements.
You should try to write down everything that you can remember about the accident. Include every detail that you can think of because even if something may seem very insignificant to you, it could be very important to the New Jersey truck accident lawyer. It is important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible in order to preserve the evidence. You can be sure that the lawyers and investigators of the trucking company will be on the scene as soon as possible and with a lawyer acting on your behalf, you will have a part in the investigation as well.
Your New Jersey truck accident lawyer will use the police report, your medical reports and the testimony of witnesses to negotiate the highest possible settlement that he/she can get. This settlement will compensate you for lost wages as well as for your pain and suffering.
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